Tuesday, August 23, 2011


返香港已個多星期,一切也回復正常 (including my jetlag) 。始終都係覺得香港是最好的!!!
屈指一算,原來我已不經不覺寫了兩年多的 blog,由最初被前經理人 B 鼓勵下開始把自己的所思所想以及對 NLP 的一些看法寫出來。某天晚上偶然看了一看 blog の「统計資料」裡的累積瀏覽數字剛好是 40,000 人次。 Wow, 喜出望外呀!  雖然對好多 bloggers 嚟講,呢個數字好濕碎,但對我, I feel so happy & grateful!!! 喂,你又唔係名人,而家又咁多人 facebook, twitter, 微博,你寫果啲嘢又唔係好有 noise controversial!!!  有咁多人睇過你啲文字,我已經好滿足!!!  多謝你哋呀!!!
最近看過一篇報導,說 2010 最暢銷的文字書是鄭秀文的《值得》。但 “wow” 的是,加印再加印出了好多版卻原來都是賣了萬多本(希望當中不包括 e-book 吧)。真不知香港人仲買唔買、睇唔睇書既呢?其實我已有計劃想再寫兩本書,但觀乎現在的閱讀文化,真係唔係太有推動力…umm!

講起推動力,回港後第一個 training event 便是主持了第二十二班 NLP Practitioner Certification Programme 的畢業日。跟廿多名參加者很開心的過了一個 very fruitful 的晚上。當中有 participant 跟我說覺得我今次習訓回來後好像不同了,好似「升咗呢」!!!  真令人鼓舞。要繼續加油將自己所學到的 NLP skills & knowledge 透過最好的自己 (include my attitude and unique training style) 把它最 resourceful 的給予我的學生。咁就功德無量喇!  :> 
下一班 NLP Practitioner Certification Programme九月底開班,學生們,請接招!

Friday, August 12, 2011


十八天的課程、十八天的汗水、十八天的鍊歷,他們畢業了!!! 我又多了四十多位同門師弟、師妹、NLP 同業。
作為他們的 coach,在這十八天裡我們的工作是啟發他們對 NLP の深層認知、對教學の掌握、以及應具備一個怎樣の心態和態度去做一個 bullet-proof, all rounded NLP trainer in their own context (with cultural, geographical and perspective differences)
作為一個 NLP Master Trainer candidate, 在這十八天對我們來說也是一個 practical on-the-job training去訓練我們的 flexibility, endurance and most importantly, whether 我們能否 walk-the-talk, 做一個 walking example, 一個 role-model, 甚至 demonstrate 比他們更高層次的 Master Trainer 料子。所以在工作之餘,我們也同時被評核呢 (by 老師 & 學生)! 所以呢個 trip 都幾 challenging
說回來,作為同學 G, 同學 M, 同學 WNLP 啟蒙老師,原來親歷見証著他們畢業終於跟自己一樣成為 NLP trainer, 感覺真的好感動!!! 我成日同佢地講,呢個課程學嘅不再是 NLP 內容而是 NLP application 及在如何 get through enjoy 整個過程 (i.e. the process) 。由 1st day 見到他們的青澀到 last day 在眉宇間那份對 training 的初發自信, 呢啲咪叫 transformation ! :>
During the course, 不只一次有同學仔走嚟同我講: “You know, I find among the group of us, G, M and W are very good with their stuff.  They really know what they are doing and know what they are talking about.  They are good, man!  You should be proud of them!!!”  I said, “I am highly proud of them.” It is true.  見到他們的 commitment, 勤奮以及在各方面の表現和進步,我簡直有面上燙金的感覺!!! G, M, W, 感謝你們的付出和努力。你們真的令我感到很自豪 (though I know you have had some pressure needing to do well with my presence.  Yet, I always have good faith in you all)… 真係仲開心過自己比人讚! 相信這就是「薪火相傳」的真諦及感受吧。 真的期待目睹更多自己的學生將成為 NLP 培訓界有心有力の生力軍,為社會帶來多些成功和快樂的人!!!  這正是 NLP 的精神及存在價值。

在衆多 coaches 當中,Coach K 今年畢業喇! 她成為北美首位 American Board of NLP certified master trainer (除咗老師 Tad & Adriana James 外喇 of course!)!  五年努力付出後の成果,掌聲鼓勵!!!  Very happy for her.  為了自己來日有期 「中國首位」,她會是我的 role model, 我的目標, 甚至是一個要超越的對象。
要成功,有目標 (SMART goal),堅毅 (perseverance), 內在平安的心 (inner peace), 清明心 (clarity), 你就有約!  一起 Ganbatte!!!

Monday, August 8, 2011


今天是課程的第二次 day off。起床後去了 Five Guys burger and fries (hey, US, 係食呢啲架喇!  OK !)
之後在街逛吓逛吓經過一間 pawn shop,好奇下入咗去睇吓。裡面乜都有得賣喎。Hi-fi, i-pod, i-phone, TV, guitars, drums, jewelry, watches, DVD, games, 連車呔都有得賣。正當我睇得入神之際,有個男人拿著一支很漂亮很新的吉他幽幽的走入舖頭去典當,賣了二百多元後低著頭悄悄然走了。
經過大堂,碰到數位 trainer candidates 正在努力為未來的四天 evaluation 作最後衝刺。看見他們有的滿有信心、有的默然不語、有的面帶憂慮。形形色色,實像社會の一個最佳縮影。而我,便繼續享受著今天的 day off, 寫吓 blog,睇吓書 (cos 之後數天會非常忙碌改卷, 120% 專心做 assessment…yeek!)
我們的人生,好彩唔好彩,我們條路都應該仲有排行。雖然要行多遠唔知,沿途有無風光又唔知,天氣係點都唔知,但既然係咪都係繼續行,就行得開心啲喇。你可以話上面條路好長、天氣好熱、成件事好悶好 dry;相對地你也可以覺得條路好平好直、天氣很好、環境好寧靜。講到底都係你我點睇件事和周圍環境啫!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Training at the desert

Having training in Henderson (a suburban city 15 minutes from Las Vegas in Nevada) is quite a good experience.  Weather is nearly sunny and super-hot every day (some days over 40 degrees).  But it isn’t too bad because it is dry.

Today is the 10th day of training and the participants are entering into an exciting moment in learning as they will be having their 2nd mock presentation (to be evaluated and commented by coaching assistants).  Next week, they will be evaluated real time for qualification as NLP trainers.  These days both the participants and us as coaching assistants have been working hard, having late hours in training (yesterday till 9pm) trying to put things in order to set forth for the evaluation next week. 

One evening after class, I passed by a participant having her hands full of grocery.  This participant from England told me that she hadn’t had “real” food for the past week so she bought US$250 worth of grocery from Albertsons and was heading back to her room to cook some real meat and fresh vegetable!  Poor soul!  For me, the food at the hotel is of course not considered as fabulous but still OK.  It is rather the timing of having them that is not ideal.  Normally, they treat dinner from 5-7pm Monday to Thursday, but we are still having class at that time so we have to literally shuffle food into our mouth during a super short dinner break (with line-up for food) before we engage into an exercise until evening. 

Well, for me, I see it only as temporal yet when you look back, it will be good learning experience in becoming a bullet-proof solid NLP trainer once you get certified.  It is a good process that we as NLP trainer ought to go through.  As coaching assistants, our job is to ensure they are on track, hanging in the process and help them get what they truly want for their career.  As a master trainer candidate, I value the experience I am having here so I know crystal clear what it takes for me to certify my 1st batch of NLP trainer in soon future!

However, I do miss my cat sooooo much and am glad I see her in this latest photo and will be back by late next week!