Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A vision to transform the planet

Although this event happened quite a while ago (28 May) and I have already kinda covered it in another blog of mine earlier in the month, I still find it very exciting to share my joy with you all re how much happiness I see on my participants' face!  I am truly proud of them and they all me feel so grateful re doing what I am doing in making a small difference to the community and in people's mind.
Take a look at the happy faces ar:
I always remember my teacher, Dr. Tad James' vision:  Transform the Planet.  This is especially true after I watched  the movie "2012" over the weekend for the 2nd time.  The world is definitely getting more and more challenging these days in many aspects, we need to really hold tight to our beliefs, love those around us and stay happy wherever possible.  Though it seems like a long way to be able to do what my teacher is doing, I think we are all capable in making small steps day-by-day in making the world a better place, can we?!
With the support to my dear participants, I will continue to move on, be better, stay positive for what I do and for who I am as a certified NLP trainer, a master coach and most importantly, a normal human being.  You too, right?!
Dr. Happy @ the airport awaiting for boarding to Shanghai for a few days of corporate training! 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

置業 vs. 建家

是因為投資? 唔想自己啲錢貶值但又買唔到咁多人民幣所以還是買舊磚頭實際啲?
是因為想有自己的生活? 想一嘗獨立の滋味?
是因為身份、身價的象徵?  因為「人有我有」の羊群心態?
我深信大部份嚷著買唔到樓的人其實都是有屋住緊甚至還是 OK 安居果隻。只不過是 getting tired of 跟屋企人住,想改變或改善其生活模式而矣。
買樓置業跟建立家庭並不一樣。要知道,就算比你買到樓但返到屋企了無人煙而你又孤伶寂寞所以唯有獨自打機、上網、睇電視、懶床、煲粥、甚至搵人 one night stand 來填補空虛の心靈。我認為置業無非為了建家,所以我覺得不論你是買樓或是繼續跟父母同住或租屋住,要做的不是買唔買到樓的問題,而是要努力跟父母、親人或身邊的他/她建立和經營一個家的感覺。買唔起咪租囉,真係無乜大不了 (我都是租屋一族)!  有個 loving and caring 的住屋環境才是最重要,管他是公屋、幾百呎單位抑或住得老遠?! 真的,唔好為買而買。若今天 afford 唔買咪唔好買住囉, regardless of what 你仍是一條好漢 / 正菜, right?!  大家請繼續努力呀!!!

最近發現自己多咗抱怨。 曾經看過一本《不抱怨的世界》,隨書附送一條紫色手帶。一旦戴上它就要在二十一日裡不能對任何人或任何事作出抱怨。之前用了三個多月成功 complete 過一次。今天我又再 pick-up 這個挑戰去提醒自己應怎樣處理自己的心態及看法!!!  你呢?
P.S.  你睇吓 Creamy 個樣就知佢有個幾 loving and caring 的住屋環境喇!