Saturday, April 21, 2012

當我們tried our best之後,可以點?

最近在一個偶然機會下,connect返中學時期的班主任Sit Sir,二十多年沒見,大家都說起很多舊人舊事。畢竟超過1/4世紀的光陰,但卻彷似昨天發生似的。電郵了一些新舊照片給Sit Sir看,他說還可以把我認出來。嘩!不得了!
說起中學的那些年,有一位同屆的同學已是一女之母。當年她是學校的高才生,成為人母前事業也幹得十分出色。近年她襯自己full time照顧女兒之時,重拾書本,決心修讀心理學。最近她修畢 conversion program報考香港某大學の心理學碩士學位,拿著GPA3.9x 成績最終都被拒收。有時真係唔明,學校制度有時真的很死板,學位大都給予正常升學年齡的大學生,反而一些有心有力但屬『超齡之士』的卻不多給機會讓他們有所發展。
我們的社會究竟將會變成怎樣呢?E,我可以想像你現在的心情,請不要氣餒,我絕對相信,所有事情總有主宰。只要已tried our best,便問心無愧。我們唯有embrace whatever result that comes to us。正面啲諗,塞翁失馬,焉知非福,可能有更好的東西等著你呢!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

My thoughts about mediation (調解) - a harmonized and $$$ saving win-win process


I am currently taking courses on Mediation (調解) :  General Mediation in March, Family Mediation (Basic) in April (just completed yesterday with great memories and hence motivation to write this blog) and Family Mediation (Advanced) coming up in May.
General Mediation generally covers disputes arising from commercial and other civil matters (e.g. disputes with landlords/tenants, probate (遺囑), etc.) while Family Mediation covers disputes on family disputes mostly on divorce and separations as well as others such as disputes between parents and teenage children, siblings, etc.).
Indeed, mediation is gaining an increasingly high publicity for the past few years as a conflict resolution process in addition to the traditional, more time and money consuming litigation and arbitration. More importantly, the two latter processes are not designed to address the emotional and psychological interests of the parties involved but mainly focus on the monetary/substantive matters.  This is indeed where mediation distinguishes itself from other processes because mediation allows parties to express their feelings and to better understand each other’s interests and needs, which to a large extent, go beyond the $$$.  I can really see it taking more of a prominent role in future in conflict resolution.
Initially, my aim of studying for mediation is to gain an additional professional qualification to broaden my range of services (i.e. training, coaching, therapy, couple counseling, etc.).  As I just completed the family mediation basic course, I find my biggest benefit is the realization of how important it is to communicate properly with people around you to gain a better appreciation for who they are and the intention behind what they may have done to you.  This will help limit the degree of disputes you will have in your daily life BIG TIME no matter it is with your family, your work and other aspects of your life.
One of the learning I find most useful is an acronym that summarizes how we should communicate with people to gain better rapport in life situations and address one’s psychological needs to resolve disputes effectively.  It is called “LARSQ”:
Listen to understand one’ frame of mind
Acknowledge feelings to release tension
Reframe to untangle/expand one’s mind
Summarize to ensure neutralize one’s position
Question to stay objective
I have been practicing LARSQ lately with my better half in our latest communication and it is working so well!   Indeed, it is ironic to say if the parties in dispute can communicate the way we facilitate them to do so in the mediation process, there are likely much less broken marriages and contractual disputes in this society.

P.S.  Maybe it is because of my passion, high interest and the degree of “buy-in” I have with mediation, my classmates voted me as 1 of the 2 best performers in class via participating in numerous case studies practicing as mediators and parties.  This award definitely helps boost my motivation in getting accredited as mediator in the coming months.  Trustfully via this professional qualification I am able to offer my service to those in need and in resolving more situations where people are in distress and yet finding no way out but to go for the win-lose outcome via litigation or arbitration.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


難得成個假期第一日見到陽光先生,所以趁昨天是復活節假期的最後一天,大清早跟 J 上山頂享受完早餐,然後行山。
行吓行吓經已二時,落山放低架車去車房bubble bath之後,在咖啡室食緊light lunch才知道Smartone原來成個早上都down咗機,很多人都因此而令自己的「被需要恐懼症候群」發作,成朝望穿秋水,滿腦疑惑以為點解無人搵自己。與其狂罵Smartone,倒不如多謝它給予你一個寧靜的清早和一個反省的空間。After all,昨天是一個public holiday,仲要係復活節假期!而我,雖貴為Smartone用戶,但是我連它down機都唔知,因為從來我都好努力去keep my life as simple as possible!嘻嘻!Fancl都一直教我哋唱呢支歌啦, Less is more呀嘛,right?!