Monday, February 25, 2013

Great sharing re leadership

Been reading and noted this wisdom from John Maxwell, the leadersthip guru that I really want to share with you all:

A leader's greatest things
1. The Leader’s Greatest Victory — Victory over self
2. The Leader’s Greatest Asset — Confidence
3. The Leader’s Greatest Weight — Final responsibility (in NLP terms, be at cause and never victimized yourself)
4. The Leader’s Greatest Discipline —Taking time to think
5. The Leader’s Greatest Handicap — Pride
6. The Leader’s Greatest Opportunity — Today
7. The Leader’s Greatest Loss — Hope
8. The Leader’s Greatest Mistake — Putting self before others
9. The Leader’s Greatest Prayer — Wisdom
10. The Leader’s Greatest Joy — Adding value to others

It is about collaboration, appreciation, courage and self-realization. I look forward in working with more of you in developing more great leaders for your corporation and for the community via coaching and training opportunities!

Sunday, February 24, 2013


真的唔好意思,實在太耐都沒有提筆寫東西一個字 -- !!!  No other excuse!

Right before 新年前搞了個正式 launch NLP Trainer’s Training event.  這個 training 是我今年的一個大企劃、一個里程碑、也是一個願望の實踐。
回想當日喺 J 的鼓勵下決定 take up 呢個 challenge 升讀 NLP Master Trainer 呢個 NLP 最高的級別嘅時候,因為比較其他很多學院不一樣,其要求及規格實在比較其他學院高很多,所以起初都有啲擔心、感覺有啲遠。但我又知道 “No Pain, No Gain” 呢個永恆真理,所以一直努力不懈, trying my very best to conquer every bit of the challenges one by one
到今日終於成為亞洲第一位從 Drs. Tad and Adriana James教導及授權出來的 NLP Master Trainer,我便能代表 ABNLP 獨自舉辦 Trainer’s Training  即使坊間有數位 NLP Master Trainers但是他們不是位位都能代表外國知名的學院舉辦 trainer level training。呢一點大家記得要留意 (when you are choosing your next best trainer to study your NLP with) 及多加查詢。
話說回來,我真的要感謝我的 NLP 畢業生, 一直都支持擁護著我,especially those who attended the trainer’s training in Las Vegas and Sydney with Tad and Adriana throughout the past few years.  Because they had been there (as candidates for trainer certification), so they are more able to understand the process that I went through (as candidate for master trainer certification)
More so, 我也真的要感謝 Kornerstone 呢個 training partner 所吸予的 support 及對我的信任。像 The Launch 那天晚上,所有賓客和我都又一個難忘的晚上。
So far course 收生頗理想,五月開 course 去也!
我真的發現,做人最緊要有理想、目標,做人都會活啲!為了 keep 住自己團火,我 pick up 跑步,寄望喺開 course 之前能跑到一個特定的路程,當係挑戰吓自己。
How about you?  今年有甚麼願望和目標呢?  When there is a will, there is always a way!  大家努力呀!祝你成功!
Oscars is coming tomorrow!!! 又是一年一度 take a half day off Monday live! Hehe! 
Best Picture: Argo
Best Director: Ang Lee (Life of Pi)
Best Actor:  Daniel Day Lewis (Lincoln)
Best Actress:  Jessica Chastain (Zero Dark Thirty)
Best Supporting Actor:  Robert De Niro (Silver Linings Playbook)
Best Supporting Actress:  Anna Hathaway (Les Miserable)