Hello bloggers, it has been a long time.
With the generous help of J and my great NLP student Krista, I have finally and successful transferred all my blog writings for the past years via Yahoo Blog (which is now out of service effective 26 Dec 2013) to We Share (http://weshare.hk/drharrywyh). Please feel free to view my past blog writings via that site!
I know I have been lazy for the past year and I promise myself and my readers that I will be writing more frequently in the coming year. Stay tuned!!! :>
May I take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy, healthy and fruitful 2014!
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Saturday, October 26, 2013
八年後的一個小結、十年後的一個起點 – An end is another beginning for an evolving NLP heart and soul
“After 8 years of teaching NLP and over a decade since I learned NLP, finally, it all comes down to this moment…”
The above was the 1st line of my graduation speech last Sunday as Asia 1st and only board certified NLP Master Trainer, in front of 40 newly qualified NLP trainers in Sydney on 21 October 2012.

Yes, after years of effort, I finally completed a highly vigorous 5-year Master Trainer Programme with American Board of NLP and is qualified as one of the ten people in the world that holds this most highest and prestige level of excellence in the field of NLP. I must say I am most proud and treated it as my greatest gift for 2012.
Yes, in the eyes of some NLP trainers, they are mistakened and think that this programme is an auto-pilot process of paying fees, serving duties, sending graduates to ABNLP and over time you will get certified automatically. 正所謂,有苦自己知。Not until you actually participated actively in the programme, be perfectly open-minded and ready for the unique assessment done by my teachers and stay perseverant, you will find this is actually a breath-taking yet invaluable process that leads me to become the next most bullet-proof worldwide elite in the field of NLP.
To share some insights of what it takes to become a qualified ABNLP NLP Master Trainer, I once asked Dr. Adriana James re how better to prepare for the programme, she wrote:
About assisting and the Master Trainer programme:
What can you do to be prepared? Well, aside from all the conditions that you already know, make sure that if we test you in any way, you’re capable of demonstrating to us that your understanding of all NLP, you can teach any technique without any preparation, your teaching and explanation of all techniques including your understanding of why they work the way they work, etc., is up to the level of a Master Trainer – i.e. two logical levels above that of a NLP trainer.
Truly, Adriana didn't understate a bit for what she said above. But I can appreciate the fact that if you were Drs. Tad and Adriana James, certifying a Master Trainer candidate is to enable him/her to do exactly what they are capable of doing as well as carrying the ABNLP flag on their behalf, what must you need to see from that person to ensure you will feel comfortable to qualify him/her? I am truly grateful that I jumped over all the hoops that they set for me. I must say I am a lucky person and yet I worked truly hard to earn this title. 
Yes, as part of the assessment criteria, ABNLP needs to see a number of my graduates in their training to ensure I am doing decent and quality NLP training in Asia. I am most grateful that my graduates had performed well in their training. As Dr. Tad James rightly put, “If my students look good, I look great; if they look bad, I look terrible.”
I am most grateful to note that since 2007, 17 of my master practitioner graduates had shown great passion in NLP and free willingly desired to take on big challenge to move up the NLP ladder and to become NLP trainers so they can make a difference for themselves and for the community.
1. Anita Li
2. Ella Ip
3. Goldy Ng
4. Helen Ng
5. Jacqueline Lo
6. Jeffrey Yip
7. JoJo Chan
8. Majid Khan
9. Max Lin
10. Nancy Hui
11. Rosanne Chan
12. Sandra Fung
13. Simon Tang
14. Terence Lam
15. Victor Lam
16. Winnie Pong
17. Yasti Cheng
I salute on their great accomplishment and trust they will continue to spread the spirit of genuine NLP from the learning experience they attained with professionalism, diligence and integrity so that they will benefit the community for what they do.
In the movie, Spiderman realised the fact that, “Great power comes with great responsibility.” With this new qualification, I feel a strong sense of responsibility not only to sustain the quality of my future NLP training, I also carry a mission (使命感) to take NLP to the next level so more people can benefit from learning, applying and teaching NLP. I am both eager and excited to take on this challenge, especially the world is getting more and more interesting in many ways.
I look forward to start my 26th NLP Practitioner training starting tomorrow and my first trainer’s training in Asia in 2013.
Lastly, I would like to thank J who encouraged me to take on this challenge. She is always a cheerleader that lights up my life!
I look forward to start my 26th NLP Practitioner training starting tomorrow and my first trainer’s training in Asia in 2013.
Lastly, I would like to thank J who encouraged me to take on this challenge. She is always a cheerleader that lights up my life!
Saturday, September 7, 2013
十八年前一部《情留半天》(Before Sunrise) 令很多情侶回想當年邂逅對方的那份浪漫;九年前那部《日落巴黎》(Before Sunset) 令很多人感嘆相逢恨晚的那份無奈。自上年得知「Before 系列」的第三集《情約半生》 (Before Midnight) 會在今夏推出,實在萬二分期待。主要原因是我真的很想知道男、女主角在《日落巴黎》重遇後最終有否走在一起。答案在《情約半生》一開始便給了我答案:他們結咗婚,還生了一對孖女。
跟了主角 Jesse 同 Celine 的心路歷程多年,由不問過去沒有將來到人生轉折事業翻騰到今次的生活點滴相處暗湧,這也是很多你我相若的心路歷程。
今集裡面 Jesse 同 Celine表面好像愛情不再、感情仍在、但不滿更多。由一開始到完結,他們一時對罵,一時互寸,互相攻擊,互不相讓,睇到滴汗,有點心寒。但想回來,其實很多情侶夫婦也是這樣,一起相處久了,理智與感性的拉鋸,互說對方不是一定少不了。當然,吵架傷身。但用另一角度去諗,若果一對情侶沒有關愛存在,他們是不會徙時間去長篇大論 (and take a big risk) 講出對事件及對對方的看法。留返啖氣暖肚好過。
所以凡事兩面睇。吵架也是溝通的一種。重點是吵得有水平及吵得有文化。吵架時,吵鬧爭論少不了。最重要是不要人身侵襲, 用詞要有分寸,也要懂得尊重。第二點是,要有目的和方向去吵(例:說出心底對對方或對一些事情的看法)。第三也是最重要的一點:若雙方選擇用吵架這種溝通模式, 大家就要懂得接納和放下。也就是說,若對方所說有理便反省,沒理便當對方唱歌仔,聽完便算,不用上心。
看過一篇禪語:感受和業力出現,是自然的。修持是不要執著它們。如我們能放下,我們便可解脫痛苦。(When feelings and karma appear, this is natural. Our practice is not to attach to them. If we can let go, then we are free from suffering.) 這樣的話,我們便能有更大的空間去活去愛自己和別人。
叮囑大家下次吵架吵得有水平及吵得有文化。重點不是為了要贏場交,而是更加了解及增加對對方的關愛和讓大家持續進步成長。所以即使今集仍以懸念作結,我是深信認定Jesse 同 Celine是會在一起的,因為他們之間有愛。
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
A dream comes true! Greater China 1st ABNLP NLP Trainer's Training - now completed!
Like many others, when young, I dreamed to do something that creates meanings and makes differences to others. I also liked to share what I have and what I think is good with friends and others who wanted to do better with their lives. One of the best ways to achieve this is to become a teacher. I look up to all my teachers ever since and admire their doings that inspire others through their own knowledge, experience and attitude and make the willing ones become a better person and even more! Last Saturday, my dream finally came true.
Back in early 2000’s, when I was going through a NLP session with my NLP teacher on “做人為乜” (purpose for who we are), toward the end of the session, this picture popped up (as below). This picture has become my anchored metaphor ever since then. In 2004, I graduated as a Certified NLP Trainer and has been running NLP certification programs since 2005. For over a decade, even though I work extremely hard and have done quite a bit to help others transformed and become happier and more successful in business and in life…somehow, something is still quite…not there yet. With J’s inspiration and support, I took on the Master Trainer Programme a few years ago and graduated last year, I dared to go for the Greater China 1st ABNLP NLP Trainer’s Training (“NLP TT”). Thanks to Kornerstone, my business partner, we made this available to heartful NLPers who wanted to excel from helping therapists/coaches to inspiring trainers.

Since late February, I had been indulged into planning, designing and liaising for this life time big project and gladly 14 candidates enrolled and of course, J showed her utmost support in joining me in making history together while also wanting to take herself to the next level. I am most blessed and thankful.
The programme commenced in mid-May (run interchangeably with my 9th NLP Master Practitioner programme so I was NLPing every week for the past 3 months!!!) and whola, it came to an end this past weekend. 20 July 2013 marked a remarkable and historical moment for all of Kornerstone teammates, coaching assistants, NLP TT graduates and myself. Throughout the programme, all of us have worked soooooo hard and diligent and all graduates deserved their title now as ABNLP Certified NLP Trainers!!! I am extremely grateful and proud of them all. They showed the highest degree of commitment to do well; they proved to themselves that they are capable to handle difficult training situations; most of all, they displayed the degree of perseverance to become true NLPers with the highest degree of competence, attitude and spirit that they can now well “walk-the-talk” with their NLP.

This very level of NLP journey is never easy. The programme is designed to push candidates to a limit and once they get through it, they know they are ready and they know they are now “bullet-proof” as a NLPer, as a trainer and as a person with ecology who knows how better to create and sustain their own happy and successful life and for others whom they will train in future.
What’s more from NLP TT is I eye-witnessed the super-strong bonding that was formed among the group. They supported and cared for each other throughout the process which is quite uncommon in training I attended before. They become such good friends and mentors to each other and help each other grow so beautifully.
Simply by looking back to the fond moments we had been through and how each candidate showed his/her true colour and transformations, I simply allowed my happy tears to burst throughout the graduation process. I am truly proud of them ALL!
I am 120% thankful for being Asia 1st ABNLP Certified Master Trainer of NLP personally trained and certified by Drs. Tad and Adriana James. Through this title, I am able to run NLP TT and certify heartful and capable NLPers as trainers. Through NLP TT, I am able to pass on everything I know about NLP and about training to my fellow trainers. In return, my graduates made my dream came true!!! Through them, I can solidly see my purpose in life. Through them, I can truly see the meaning of “相信能夠相信”. Through them, I can clearly foresee we will work hard together to preserve the quality of NLP training and to make NLP a better place for everyone we will get in touch with in future! A perfect “cause and effect” at play!
Monday, March 4, 2013
Sunday, March 3, 2013
當大家都心情好的時候,大家應盡力 go crazy with it, enjoy the moments to the most, and remember these moments。將來有機會拎返出嚟講吓。
當他/她心情唔好的時候 (assume not because of you),你做乜都好,千祈唔好發脾氣,首先盡力去令自己感覺正面,然後用盡力去氹佢 (regardless令佢唔開心的事情 make 唔 make sense都好)。千祈唔好喺果個時候同佢講道理或說教。
當大家都心情唔好的時候 (assume not because of each other),大家各自抽離一下,搵啲自己鍾意做嘅野自己去做吓,唔好搞大家一會兒。大半天才約大家去食餐飯,盡量唔好去傾件事,除非對方想傾。若是如此,用心聆聽但盡量唔好比意見。
當你心情唔好的時候 (assume not because of him/her),盡量盡快令自己無事,千祈唔好有期望對方會去氹你開心。若果 he or she does it,這是 super big bonus!!! That will make you feel even happier. 靠自己喇,老友。
Monday, February 25, 2013
Great sharing re leadership
Been reading and noted this wisdom from John Maxwell, the leadersthip guru that I really want to share with you all:
It is about collaboration, appreciation, courage and self-realization. I look forward in working with more of you in developing more great leaders for your corporation and for the community via coaching and training opportunities!
A leader's greatest things
1. The Leader’s Greatest Victory — Victory over self
1. The Leader’s Greatest Victory — Victory over self
2. The Leader’s Greatest Asset — Confidence
3. The Leader’s Greatest Weight — Final responsibility (in NLP terms, be at cause and never victimized yourself)
4. The Leader’s Greatest Discipline —Taking time to think
5. The Leader’s Greatest Handicap — Pride
6. The Leader’s Greatest Opportunity — Today
7. The Leader’s Greatest Loss — Hope
8. The Leader’s Greatest Mistake — Putting self before others
9. The Leader’s Greatest Prayer — Wisdom
10. The Leader’s Greatest Joy — Adding value to others
It is about collaboration, appreciation, courage and self-realization. I look forward in working with more of you in developing more great leaders for your corporation and for the community via coaching and training opportunities!
Sunday, February 24, 2013
真的唔好意思,實在太耐都沒有提筆寫東西…一個字 -- 懶!!! No other excuse!
Right before 新年前搞了個正式 launch NLP Trainer’s Training的 event. 這個 training 是我今年的一個大企劃、一個里程碑、也是一個願望の實踐。
回想當日喺 J 的鼓勵下決定 take up 呢個 challenge 升讀 NLP Master Trainer 呢個 NLP 最高的級別嘅時候,因為比較其他很多學院不一樣,其要求及規格實在比較其他學院高很多,所以起初都有啲擔心、感覺有啲遠。但我又知道 “No Pain, No Gain” 呢個永恆真理,所以一直努力不懈, trying my very best to conquer every bit of the challenges one by one。
到今日終於成為亞洲第一位從 Drs. Tad and Adriana James教導及授權出來的 NLP Master Trainer,我便能代表 ABNLP 獨自舉辦 Trainer’s Training。 即使坊間有數位 NLP Master Trainers但是他們不是位位都能代表外國知名的學院舉辦 trainer level 的 training。呢一點大家記得要留意 (when you are choosing your next best trainer to study your NLP with) 及多加查詢。
話說回來,我真的要感謝我的 NLP 畢業生, 一直都支持擁護著我,especially those who attended the trainer’s training in Las Vegas and Sydney with Tad and Adriana throughout the past few years. Because they had been there (as candidates for trainer certification), so they are more able to understand the process that I went through (as candidate for master trainer certification) 。
More so, 我也真的要感謝 Kornerstone 呢個 training partner 所吸予的 support 及對我的信任。像 The Launch 那天晚上,所有賓客和我都又一個難忘的晚上。
So far 個 course 收生頗理想,五月開 course 去也!
我真的發現,做人最緊要有理想、目標,做人都會活啲!為了 keep 住自己團火,我 pick up 跑步,寄望喺開 course 之前能跑到一個特定的路程,當係挑戰吓自己。
How about you? 今年有甚麼願望和目標呢? When there is a will, there is always a way! 大家努力呀!祝你成功!
Oscars is coming tomorrow!!! 又是一年一度 take a half day off 的 Monday 睇 live! Hehe!
Best Picture: Argo
Best Director: Ang Lee (Life of Pi)
Best Actor: Daniel Day Lewis (Lincoln)
Best Actress: Jessica Chastain (Zero Dark Thirty)
Best Supporting Actor: Robert De Niro (Silver Linings Playbook)
Best Supporting Actress: Anna Hathaway (Les Miserable)
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