Sunday, October 26, 2014

老闆這回事 – Part 1 of 2




  1. 1 10 分,你會給自己的領導能力一個甚麼分數?
  2. 1 10 分,你認為若果他們有選擇的話,你覺得你的下屬會有多願意跟你共事?

  1. 成就你的下屬管理學裡我們會懂得賦權 (Delegation)下屬去強化他們的能力和信心 (Empowerment) 。我們每次交帶下屬做一份工作的時候,心態是希望他們成長,而不是能讓自己能早些放工。而你的存在是讓他們有發展的機會
  2. 跟下屬多溝通溝通的目的不單為了傳遞信息,更重要是交流。所以當我們跟下屬溝通的時候,有時候可以多讓對方認識自己,也多關心對方,而不是每每只談工公事
  3. 多些讚少些罵 很多時候我們會很容易看到下屬的弱點,而把它們放大,令自己看不到也忘記對方的優點。所以我們應把焦點集中去尋找他們的優點,多加讚美。要知道,每個人都想被認同、被重視的
    轉載自《 中環教室, 18 Septebmer 2014

Sunday, October 5, 2014

How to make a difference with or without NLP

Protesters block the main street to the financial Central district, outside the government headquarters in Hong Kong

Photo by Carlos Barria @ Reuters

Lately for what happened here in HK has made a lot of HKers (and people from overseas) having a great deal of mix feelings re what and who is right or wrong.

A friend of mine in her whatsapp group expressed her frustration over a debate with her friends over dinner holding different viewpoints  about the situation/position at hand (so are a lot of people have un-friended others who hold opposite viewpoints in their Facebook).

Source:  Stephen Lok, a NLP trainer candidate

Many asked me and my graduates re how NLPers would perceive on this current situation or how NLP can help address various negative emotions as a result of what is going on.  Indeed, NLP is never a magic cure on everything.

In my mind, NLP is about striking a balance between respecting others while standing firm on own’s perspective. 

Keys to stay positive over the current situation are to be mindful about 1) behaviour breeds behavior, 2) how we think what we think truly matters and 3) how we choose to communicate verbally and non-verbally with others.

May peace be with you all and wish everyone have the ability to make today another new day with a new perspective.

Source:  Aunt of Fanny Lui (a Certified NLP Trainer)