Sunday, September 21, 2014



機會主義者 他們看準時機、掌握資訊、了解行情、盡碌人情以及自己張信用咭,希望在最短、最唔使出太多勞力去搵最多的回報。我在一個 group chat 裡見到一位朋友因為抽不到 i-phone 6 嘆謂今時今日搵錢真是艱難。

潮流追隨者 他們都是走在時代尖端的一群。他們會為求保住「潮流達人」的美譽,會不惜一切,用一個可以說是不合理的天價但求擁有那心頭好。

實事求事的用家 他們的忍耐力〈更貼切應是定力〉驚人,不會為別人的說話或行為所動。你可以話他們慢半拍、老套唔 update 、甚至嫌錢腥。但你又唔好理,他們總是悠然自得,你擁有那潮物他們又唔會羨慕〈但都會戥你開心)。到適當時候他們便會用一個非常合理的價錢買他們需要的東西。



是今天落十多萬訂都要等到起碼到 2016 下半年才到車的 Porsche Macan S

是一隻剛剛面世但卻要排隊都唔知幾時有貨的 Rolex?

是有錢在歐洲都要好有策略才可能配給一個比你的 Hermes Kelly 包包?

是一部若好彩比你排到一轉手便賺一個 double Apple i-phone 6 Plus?

…or 只是一盒滿載童年回憶為求搏 J 一笑的 Lego The Simpsons House?


Having said that, both J and I are expecting someone whom we are longing to meet in less than 2 months…this one is definitely different than any other goodies in our social world!!!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Graduates of my 10th run of NLP Master Practitioner Certification Program!!! Hurray!




Really-really grateful seeing them all, not just successfully graduated from this important level of NLP but how they benefit from learning it.


Although 7 of the graduates were unable to join tonite, the class (and all other graduates from previous runs) gives me the most precious gift of all:  My sense of identity as a NLP Master Trainer and more importantly, the purpose of my existence in life that I feel proud of and can share with J and our next generation in future for what I do.