Like many others, when young, I dreamed to do something that creates meanings and makes differences to others. I also liked to share what I have and what I think is good with friends and others who wanted to do better with their lives. One of the best ways to achieve this is to become a teacher. I look up to all my teachers ever since and admire their doings that inspire others through their own knowledge, experience and attitude and make the willing ones become a better person and even more! Last Saturday, my dream finally came true.
Back in early 2000’s, when I was going through a NLP session with my NLP teacher on “做人為乜” (purpose for who we are), toward the end of the session, this picture popped up (as below). This picture has become my anchored metaphor ever since then. In 2004, I graduated as a Certified NLP Trainer and has been running NLP certification programs since 2005. For over a decade, even though I work extremely hard and have done quite a bit to help others transformed and become happier and more successful in business and in life…somehow, something is still quite…not there yet. With J’s inspiration and support, I took on the Master Trainer Programme a few years ago and graduated last year, I dared to go for the Greater China 1st ABNLP NLP Trainer’s Training (“NLP TT”). Thanks to Kornerstone, my business partner, we made this available to heartful NLPers who wanted to excel from helping therapists/coaches to inspiring trainers.

Since late February, I had been indulged into planning, designing and liaising for this life time big project and gladly 14 candidates enrolled and of course, J showed her utmost support in joining me in making history together while also wanting to take herself to the next level. I am most blessed and thankful.
The programme commenced in mid-May (run interchangeably with my 9th NLP Master Practitioner programme so I was NLPing every week for the past 3 months!!!) and whola, it came to an end this past weekend. 20 July 2013 marked a remarkable and historical moment for all of Kornerstone teammates, coaching assistants, NLP TT graduates and myself. Throughout the programme, all of us have worked soooooo hard and diligent and all graduates deserved their title now as ABNLP Certified NLP Trainers!!! I am extremely grateful and proud of them all. They showed the highest degree of commitment to do well; they proved to themselves that they are capable to handle difficult training situations; most of all, they displayed the degree of perseverance to become true NLPers with the highest degree of competence, attitude and spirit that they can now well “walk-the-talk” with their NLP.

This very level of NLP journey is never easy. The programme is designed to push candidates to a limit and once they get through it, they know they are ready and they know they are now “bullet-proof” as a NLPer, as a trainer and as a person with ecology who knows how better to create and sustain their own happy and successful life and for others whom they will train in future.
What’s more from NLP TT is I eye-witnessed the super-strong bonding that was formed among the group. They supported and cared for each other throughout the process which is quite uncommon in training I attended before. They become such good friends and mentors to each other and help each other grow so beautifully.
Simply by looking back to the fond moments we had been through and how each candidate showed his/her true colour and transformations, I simply allowed my happy tears to burst throughout the graduation process. I am truly proud of them ALL!
I am 120% thankful for being Asia 1st ABNLP Certified Master Trainer of NLP personally trained and certified by Drs. Tad and Adriana James. Through this title, I am able to run NLP TT and certify heartful and capable NLPers as trainers. Through NLP TT, I am able to pass on everything I know about NLP and about training to my fellow trainers. In return, my graduates made my dream came true!!! Through them, I can solidly see my purpose in life. Through them, I can truly see the meaning of “相信能夠相信”. Through them, I can clearly foresee we will work hard together to preserve the quality of NLP training and to make NLP a better place for everyone we will get in touch with in future! A perfect “cause and effect” at play!