Friday, March 30, 2012

My congrad to the newly graduated Prac #24 participants

What can I say, time really flies and it has been a few months since we met and learned NLP together.  I am most grateful to see your gradual and generative transformation through this journey and in becoming an even better and more empowered NLPers!

Trust you learned the needed NLP for your personal and professional success and happiness!

My sincere thanks for your thoughtfulness re the lovely card with warm-hearted words.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Happy birthday, Creamy!


Time flies really!  It was like only yesterday that I met Creamy for the 1st time (Feb 2010) and she is now celebrating for her 3rd b-day (equivalent to human age of 24)!!!

 (1st time we met!)
Looking back to the photos…she was once very fit and skinny and now…wow!!!

 (the once skinny and fit Creamy)
Anyway, it is important that she is a happy cat…and J and I are very happy to have her as a companion around the house!
 (Photo of her with her b-day gift! :>)

(too cute to not share!!!  J is always a better photographer than me in capturing Creamy's cute moments! -_-!!!)

(another great shot by J!  The curious Creamy...)

Thursday, March 22, 2012



上年底有天收到一個電郵,是一個出版社的編輯問我有沒有興趣出一本關於職場的書。 我記得自從我出來當起自僱人士 as trainer, coach and therapist之後,被問及最多的一條問題是:「為什麼你有大好會計師不幹,卻走去做 training 及心理/催眠治療師? 」既然有些人對自己的 career path 有興趣, 倒不如透過自己在職場及自僱廿多年的生涯裡的所見所聞同讀者分享,為他們作為打工仔或有心出來闖一闖的人打打氣,怎樣即使鯁豬頭骨也快樂。這數月不斷跟編輯 bounced around ideas, 也已開始寫作 (好耐都無寫過手稿啦!),為求可以在七月書展出街。但係這個星期忽然收到編輯電郵說因為他們最近做過一個市場調查,發現職場書可能 demand 不大,  因此出書計劃要暫時擱置。 噢,就係咁件事就此完結。
如果你問我有冇唔開心,我會話是失望多過唔開心。失望的不是因為出版社的決定,而是我發現現今社會的閱讀習慣的確是不同了。事實是今天閱讀的確是少了,而閱讀的種類也收窄了不少。當你在港鐵裡,你已很少見到多少人在睇書 (可能在睇 e-book )
By the way,  我仍深信,書中還有很多黃金屋。 請繼續睇書。香港人加油呀!!!  例如最近看畢一本由陳振康編寫的職場書 《上流力 2》,講如何善用人際網絡跟不怕蝕底之心態在職場往上爬。 OK  !!!

Oh well,
既已是事實的事情,多想也沒用。大家都盡了力,唯有樂觀啲去面對個結果。本來用作寫書的時間,現在我可以努力 work on my other projects !  其中一個計劃是 get accredited as a mediator (認可調解員) 可以幫到多啲人 in a different way。已經讀畢所需之課程,現在正在排期等考試。 Wish me luck!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


有日搭電車往中環教 NLP, 途中忽然喺度諗, 我們生命中都好像有條軌道一直帶著我們向前走: 路有時直、有時彎、有時圍繞; 當行錯了或前面出現了問題, 唔係唔走得, 但就要搵到下一個轉換路軌才可。即使調頭了卻要重頭嚟過。