最近一連看了兩齣關於愛情の電影 《情約一天》和舞台劇 《3D 女槍手》,不約而同令我諗著這條問題: 「為乜要愛」?
是愛與否、是真是假、是有是無我認為只是自已的一個「覺得」而矣。一直以為 Seeing is Believing (給我見到是為真!) 是真理其實是 Believing is Seeing! As long as 我們相信一些事是事實、認為一些事是重要、覺得一些事是正確,你便會很 motivate 去實踐並找很多的例經證去 validate 你的所思所想。
1. Take ownership that you are part of the cause of what happens to you – blame others and the environment for what they did to you is always too easy but never helpful; reflect on what you might have been done to cause this to happen, evaluate their impact on your loved one and on the relationship and see what you can do differently to make it right.
2. Ask yourself, “is the person really that important to you?” If so, then weight between your “ego” and “him/her” and adjust accordingly. 最近看過一篇羅敏莊跟陳國邦的訪問。Mimi 不諱言是她主動追求陳國邦的, 既然我們成日都喊著要男女平等,那麽我們又為甚麼咁介意邊個追邊個、邊個揾錢多過邊個、邊個付出多過邊個? 會計算咁多的話,我想好奇問吓你,「你有幾愛佢」? Be reminded ladies, as beautiful, capable and available as you, 現今很多 (or太多?!) 的男性不單溝通真的越嚟越不濟的同時,他們在各方面也真的跟你們越嚟越「平等」。所以希望你們能接受這是事實的同時,儘量去發掘及 focus on 他們有和好的東西吧。
3. Ask yourself, “do you enjoy being with him/her?” 說到底,為乜要愛呢? Love is meant to be enjoyable not torturing! 若果跟她/他一起一段時間後仍覺得一點都唔享受的話,你真係要諗清楚!!!但是甚麼才算在愛情這課題上「修成正果」? 很簡單, 最好的自已是不論你在一個環境、一段關係、或一個人面前它都能夠讓你活得自信、自在、自若。 Wish you well!
By the way, 糊塗戲班的《3D 女槍手》值得推介,好睇好笑好戲 (esp. 廖淑芬飾演 Diane 的角色 - 好出!!!). 套戲會在 23-25 September 喺香港大會堂上演。有興趣去睇吖。作為女士的你們,看時應該或多或少會有共鳴。 Enjoy the show!